
Ekiti Sound “Drum Money” album art - main cover Album art (digital and physical) for Ekiti Sound Spearheading a new wave of electronic music originating from Nigeria by way of London...
Ekiti Sound “Drum Money” album art and layout - CD Album art (digital and physical) for Ekiti Sound Spearheading a new wave of electronic music originating from Nigeria by way of London...
Ekiti Sound “Drum Money” album art - LP Album art (digital and physical) for Ekiti Sound Spearheading a new wave of electronic music originating from Nigeria by way of London...
Karizma 2023 Digital portrait of Kris Clayton aka Karizma. Observational drawing and motion image done in early 2023
ZEW (The Call) exhibition poster ZEW was a solo curated show bringing together the fruit of Collaborations between Polish, Ukrainian and American crafts people, musicians...
ZEW (The Call) Detail of the title Image for the exhibition in Pyramida Hub, Poznań, printed in large scale by Pomarańcza Studio
Whirlpool porcelain tea set Product of a very precious collaboration between Filip Brzyski Studio, a ceramic and pottery Maestro, Olha Vasilieva and her years of...
Goals and Providence In situ photograph of an “Goals and Providence” animation still, exhibited at Pyramida Hub Gallery, Garbary 64, Poznań in June-July 2022...
Karizma Fan Service 9 EP cover Digital cover art for Karizma’s Bandcamp EP series. Part of an ongoing series of visual content streams for the music of Baltimorean...
Animation: Hieroglyphic Being "Circumpolar" for CSS studios Chicago 7" Animation for Hieroglyphic Being's (Mathematics, Warp) "Circumpolar" first streamed live at The Quarantine Concerts hosted by...
Animation: Dance of The Living Image Animated video for Hieroglyphic Being's title track from "Dance of the Living Image" on Jeff Mills' Axis Records. Hand drawn evolving...
Hieroglyphic Being “Dance Of The Living Image” album art Album art for Hieroglyphic Being’s first LP released on Jeff Mills’ Axis Records alongside a video for the title track.
Dreams From Last Night A Votive portrait/Vanitas Portrait of Derrick Curtis aka DFLN aka Deflon aka Dreams From Last Night who passed away suddenly and...
Dreams From Last Night (detail) A Votive portrait/Vanitas Portrait of Derrick Curtis aka DFLN aka Deflon aka Dreams From Last Night who passed away suddenly and...
Dreams From Last Night (detail) A Votive portrait/Vanitas Portrait of Derrick Curtis aka DFLN aka Deflon aka Dreams From Last Night who passed away suddenly and...
Zuzanna Suchon Dreams and Solutions Showcase 2016 Light installations showcase at Selkirk Tooting, London 2016
Susanna and the Water Spirit 60 x 63 x 55 cm Perspex, wood, metal One of the two pieces I have created in the last months of my Degree Course at Camberwell College of...
CULT, light installation A multi-layered cutout structure/lightbox made out of perspex wood and metal. A visionary piece I have created in...
Salome (in situ) 1001 Brick Lane Salome Paper cut out on display at 1001 Brick Lane, London for Music Arts live event, 2015
Salome Paper Cut Out, 2015
TEAL (detail I) Hand paper cut-out 59 x 42cm AD 2014
The Oracle Hand cut paper cut out "The Oracle" AD 2014
TEAL (detail II) Hand paper cut-out 59 x 42cm AD 2014
TEAL Hand paper cut-out 59 x 42cm AD 2014
Queen of Disks Intro Hand paper cut-out 100 x 70 cm AD 2012
Queen of Disks Intro (detail II) Hand paper cut-out 100 x 70 cm AD 2012
Black Madonna Intro Charcoal on paper 79 x 59 cm AD 2010
The Oracle (detail) Hand cut paper cut out wycinanka "The Oracle" AD 2014
Untitled (Ravin') Charcoal on paper 145 x 135 cm AD 2010
Aurora Hand paper cut-out 72 x 55 cm AD 2010
Queen of Disks Intro (detail) Hand paper cut-out 100 x 70 cm AD 2012
PINK (VJJ) Hand paper cut-out 44 x 55cm AD 2010
Vision of Maja Charcoal on paper 175 x 145 cm AD 2010
RED CUTOUT aka Venus in Chains. Hand cut paper cut-out Dimensions: 65 x 54 cm London, 2011
Black Madonna Intro (detail) Charcoal on paper 79 x 59 cm AD 2010